The Stytch team
Dashboard Docs

2023.03.10 release

AUTHOR: The Stytch team

Example app refresh

We’ve just released a ton of new example apps and changed how we surface them in our Docs. We’ve made it easier to find your language or framework and see in code exactly how Stytch works within your stack.

Check out the new Consumer example apps here and B2B apps here!

Post in the Stytch Forum which languages and frameworks you want to see next.

Easier SDK config

You might notice some changes to our Frontend SDK configuration options in the Dashboard. We’ve eliminated some friction to make it easier for you to get started and go Live.

Whenever you enable a Frontend SDK for the first time, we’ll automatically toggle on all login methods, no need to select each one. And when you’re ready to go Live, you may now click a single button to copy your Test configuration to the Live environment for a seamless launch.

Check out the simpler flow in the Frontend SDKs section of the Dashboard.

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