The Stytch team

2023.11.10 | OAuth custom parameters

AUTHOR: The Stytch team

OAuth custom parameters

We’ve added support for custom query parameters in the OAuth flow. You can forward custom values to any identity provider by passing in a query parameter with the provider_ prefix for any OAuth Start endpoint.


These custom parameters enable you to use convenient features offered by OAuth providers like login hints and account selection screens. Here are a few examples of OAuth flow features: 

  • For Google, you can pass in provider_prompt=select_account which takes the user to a screen that lists all their accounts, allowing them to choose the one they want.

  • For Slack, you can pass in provider_team={team_id} which ensures the user will authenticate against the specific workspace if already signed in. 

  • For Microsoft, you can pass in provider_login_hint={user_email} to pre-fill an email address on the provider’s login page. 

Check out our OAuth Docs to get started. 

Great reads

We published some great reading for engineers and auth experts. Be sure to read: 

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