The Stytch team

2024.03.15 | Pre-built UI for MFA & Google FedCM changes

AUTHOR: The Stytch team

Pre-built UI components for MFA

Our frontend SDKs for B2B SaaS Authentication have been upgraded with pre-built UI components that handle Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) flows. These components support secondary authentication methods, including SMS OTP and TOTP via authenticator apps, while also offering enrollment screens for users who wish to opt-in to MFA. 

Check out our frontend SDK reference  and upgrade to @stytch/vanilla-js@4.6.0 to get started with pre-built UI for MFA. 

Google’s migration to FedCM API

In April, Google will release changes to the One Tap login experience, ahead of its move to disable third-party cookies in Chrome by default later this year. These changes entail migrating to the Federated Credentials Management (FedCM) API, and we’ve updated our JavaScript SDK accordingly.

If you’re using our frontend JavaScript SDK’s Google One Tap functionality, please upgrade to @stytch/vanilla-js v4.5.5 before April in order to avoid any unintended behavior. Other than upgrading your Stytch SDK package version(s), no additional changes to your integration are needed at this time. 

If you use the standard redirect-based Google OAuth flow without Google One Tap, your integration will not be affected and no action is required.

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