Edwin Lim

2024.07.19 | Dashboard updates and email reactivation

AUTHOR: Edwin Lim

Dashboard updates and resources

We’ve updated our Dashboard with an improved UX design and new developer resources. When creating a new Stytch Project, you’ll see a guided walkthrough that simplifies the process of getting started. Choose between a frontend or backend integration and get an example app running with Stytch in 3 simple steps. 

Log into your Stytch account to check out the updated Dashboard and try the new walkthrough.

Reactivating emails in the Dashboard 

Developers can now reactivate emails directly in the Dashboard

An email address is marked inactive if it produces a hard bounce, which can occur for various reasons (e.g. email server was temporarily down). Previously, developers had to reach out to Stytch support to reactivate inactive email addresses. Now, developers can self-serve and reactivate emails in the Dashboard once the cause of the hard bounce has been resolved. 

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