The Stytch team
SDK Dashboard

2024.08.30 | New Dashboard roles & SMS autofill

AUTHOR: The Stytch team

New roles in the Stytch Dashboard 

In the Stytch Dashboard, we have revamped Stytch’s user roles to be both simpler and more robust in permissions. Under Workspace settings, you’ll find templated roles designed to meet the specific needs of personas who might require access to Stytch, including admins, developers, customer support agents, and more. You can assign and unassign workspace members to these roles with a few clicks.

Additionally, you can configure automatic Stytch role assignments based on specific email domains for auth flows like Just-in-Time (JIT) Provisioning. This feature allows you to streamline the onboarding process for new Stytch users who join your workspace. 

Workspace members with legacy roles created before this update will be migrated to the new roles by September 3rd, 2024.

For more detailed information on each role, visit the Dashboard Roles & Permissions page in the docs. 

Mobile SDK updates

We’ve upgraded our mobile SDKs to improve performance and include new features. 

SMS autofill 

SMS autofill for OTP login is now available across all our mobile SDKs with pre-built UI components, including iOS, Android, and React Native. Headless implementations are supported on our Android and React Native Android SDKs. To enable the SMS autofill feature, add your bundle identifier and Android signing hash or iOS associated domain to the SDK Configuration in the Stytch Dashboard. Then pass the enableAutofill parameter to any SMS loginOrCreate or send calls.

Biometric registration monitoring

We’ve also improved the management of local biometric registrations, ensuring that the local device state stays in sync with the remote user state.

To take advantage of these new mobile SDK features and improvements, upgrade to to the following versions:

  • @stytch/react-native v0.32.0

  • @stytch/react-native-static v0.32.0

  • stytch-android v0.26.0

  • stytch-ios v0.42.0

Explore our mobile SDK docs for B2B Auth and Consumer Auth

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